What is Customer Success and how can it help your business grow?

Thinking of Customer Success goes far beyond ensuring that a purchase is finalized or a signed contract. Understand!
Whoever is inside the marketing universe knows: the way you have dealt with customers has changed a lot in the last few years.
Thinking about Customer Success is essential to the health of the business because of the digital transformation and much greater decision-making power in the hands of the consumer.
But, after all, what is this concept about? Is it the same as the support? Are there ways to objectively assess the level of customer satisfaction? Follow the text and check the answers to these questions!

What is the concept of Customer Success?

The word "success" makes us think of something that has worked very well, right? Well, implementing a Customer Success industry in your business is the same as taking initiatives that are geared toward a positive and satisfying experience.
Lincoln Murphy, a startups consultant considered the creator of this concept, has the following definition:
Customer Success is when your customer achieves the desired result through interactions with your company.
Come on: the customer must achieve the result, right? But this goes beyond completing the purchase or signing a contract, for example. The result has to do with the client's pain - your product or service really needs to meet those needs.
Secondly, this must occur through interactions with the business. That is, the idea is that the consumer does not trace his trajectory alone. It needs to be closely monitored, with frequent and quality interactions for a good experience, from the beginning to the end of the relationship.
In fact, a good Customer Success strategy can even prevent this contact from coming to an end - the most interesting thing is that the consumer is so valued that it becomes a promoter of the business and also that it is a loyalty.

Onboarding and Ongoing

There are two types of Customer Success strategy:
  • Onboarding: here, efforts are being made for customers in the implementation phase, who are being welcomed by the Success team - the step is essential, after all, "is the first impression the one that stands," do you agree ?;
  • Ongoing: In the ongoing phase, customers have already been received, but they need action to make the relationship generate ongoing value - later disappointment is sometimes worse than a bad first impression.
This segmentation of your customer base is the first step in a Customer Success culture.
Think of a loving relationship, for example: when we are trying to impress someone we are left with, we move worlds and backgrounds. After the beginning of the courtship, however, one can not abandon the affection and effort for the happiness of the other person.
Otherwise, the relationship may fail, and the ex may be disappointed to the point of talking out loud to you on the four winds. That sucks for your reputation with other suitors, right?

Customer Success X Support

Now, you may be wondering: is Customer Success basically the same thing as support? This is a common question, but the answer is no - and the difference is in proactivity, that is, in anticipated actions. Look:
  • The Support team is always available to provide customer service when there are doubts or problems to be solved;
  • The Success team makes sure that there are no questions or issues before the customer even has to turn to Support.
It is really a work of care throughout the entire trajectory of the client. Remember the definition of Lincoln Murphy: the consumer needs to have good experience at all points of interaction with the business.

What are the Assignments of Customer Success?

Is the concept clear? Great! Now let's understand what the analysts 'and Customer Success managers' assignments are.

Observe the values ​​of the company very well

The Success team needs to observe - and internalize! - the values ​​of the company. In this way, she can take better care of who will have direct contact with the client.
For example, when it comes to listing the sales or marketing team, analysts and managers may interfere. This is the case when some of the professionals are not 100% within what was promised to the client when proposing a solution to their pains.
This is especially important so that all processes are aligned, as we will see next. Having strong, well-defined pillars is therefore essential if the interactions are to be always consistent.

Have processes well aligned

As we said, the processes need to be aligned - all of them! From written content to a sales call, a planning meeting, or the packaging in which your product reaches the customer: all of this needs to be driven by the values ​​of the business.
Successful analysts and managers keep an eye on these issues. Also because this care prevents the client from having a bad experience because of confusion in procedures, different tones of voice or imbalance in the trajectory.
Think how annoying it is if the brand treats customers as king at the time of sale and then completely disappears from the map. The consumer can feel (and quite rightly!) Just one more number and never again do business.

Track customer's trajectory closely

The Customer Success team is also responsible for tracking satisfaction throughout the course. To do so, the key is to put the customer at the center of all concerns.
Do you know that old story that " the customer is always right "?
For then: for Success analysts, this maxim guides all strategy initiatives.
Therefore, it may be that processes need to be customized to meet the specific demands of each consumer.
In the culture of Customer Success, there is no one that can not please everyone or that a customer is just one more customer: analysts and managers cherish each as if it were the most important or the only consumer of the business.

How to evaluate Customer Success?

To put the assignments into practice, the team makes use of metrics, indicators and feedbacks that serve to constantly assess the health of the relationshipHere are some of the most common:
  • net promoter score (NPS): on a scale of 0 to 10, what are the chances that the customer will recommend your business to others?
  • churn rate: what is the rate of cancellations? This indicator shows flaws in the ongoing strategy, since the withdrawal indicates that the client was well-received, but was later disappointed;
  • customer effort score (CES): shows, on a scale of 0 to 10, what is the difficulty that the customer had to solve problems in their trajectory;
  • Customer retention cost (CRC): Indicates whether the business needs to spend a lot to retain a customer - in which case, the strategy needs to be reviewed;
  • culture of feedbacks: the team constantly establishes a culture of exchanging feedback with clients in order to align processes and improve each day more experience.
With frequent follow-up, Successful analysts and managers are able to define weaknesses to act with more commitment and, of course, a lot of game play to preserve the relationship.

How to ensure Customer Success?

In the face of what we have seen, ensuring customer success depends on a restructuring in the business culture, which should turn its focus to the consumer experience in all interactions. To that end, analysts and managers work hard to mediate demands and processes.
Well, dealing with clients is something that requires dedication - and we want to help you! We have content filled with tips and techniques to facilitate this relationship. So, subscribe to our newsletter and follow the news!
