How to make a blog post? Check out the step by step to create quality content!

Will you start developing content marketing in your business and want to know how to make quality blog posts? Check out the 7 fundamental steps!
There are people who believe they were born to write and others who go wrong just remembering the need to write 30 lines. Regardless of the category that fits you, know that you can learn how to make a quality blog post.
Writing for the internet has its peculiarities and good practices that must be followed. But with the right tips and lots of training you can get the attention of your audience and convey the message in the best way.
Interested in the content? So just read on and get to work!

7 steps to make a blog post

If you've come this far, you certainly recognize the need and importance of having a blog to improve your brand's digital strategies.
The blog brings several benefits to a business: it helps in ranking the site, increases the number of hits and assists your audience in the shopping journey, among other advantages.
With that in mind, check out our step by step to create a gold post:

1. Think flashy and sure titles

Good content starts with the title. If it does not convince the reader to click on the article, you run the risk of writing an excellent text that will not be read by anyone.
Thus, it is important to create an innovative, interesting and objective title . The user must read and understand exactly the subject matter. Also, it is recommended that it be at most 63 characters long to be fully readable by search engines.
To build a quality title, think of a theme and what keyword will define that content. Look for creative options that draw the reader's attention.
For example, to talk about creating online content and monetization possibilities, which one do you think is the most eye-catching title: "Content online: how to create and how to monetize it?" Or "See 5 tips for creating online content and earning money with them "?
Of course you need to respond, during the text, what you promised in the title. But there are countless ways of saying the same thing with different words, and a good writer knows how to extract it.

2. Define a structure

When writing a text, many people stop before they even begin, because they feel that they do not know how to start the content or define the order in which the information should be written.
In that sense, a valuable tip for you who wants to understand how to make a blog post is to create a roadmap for the text and divide it into parts.
Thus, a standard framework that works great is:
  1. title;
  2. introduction with the keyword and a brief summary of what will come in the text;
  3. call for the reader to continue in content;
  4. development (which should be subdivided into subheadings and topics);
  5. closing with the summary of what was seen and a call to action to keep the user engaged in your site.
This script can be created in a simple way, as if it were a rough draft of what will come. Here's an example.
  • Title: See 5 tips for creating content online and making money from it.
  • Introduction: We will talk about creating content online, how they have grown over the years and how technology has created ways of monetization.
  • Development: divide the subject into two subheadings. The first "How to create quality content online" and the second "5 tips to create content that generates profit". We will give tips and practical examples of what quality content is and how to make it profitable.
  • Closing: at the end, we will emphasize that this market only tends to grow that producers that have a good content will stand out even more than the others.
  • CTA: Link to another blog post on investments in video equipment.

3. Set the appropriate language

Before you start writing content, you need to know your reader. This phase is part of planning the strategies used in marketing and helps the writer to understand who their persona is, what their pains are and what they expect from their brand.
Knowing the audience, it will be possible to think of the language most appropriate for writing the text. And this is critical to how you will make your blog post.
It is important that language be defined and that a standard be maintained. If the reader reads several of his content, he must have the perception that he is the same person who wrote all those texts.
It is possible to be formal, funny, objective or exemplary. It all depends on the segment and the audience!

4. Choose the type of post

The type of post chosen is a consequence of the points mentioned above. Each content and size is intended to reach a specific audience and phase.
A 750 word blog post, for example, can be used for a user to know a topic in general. Already an ebook or post of 2000 words will try to delve into the subject and use more specific language.
Depending on the phases of the sales funnel, you need to make initial content, then larger and deeper content, varying types such as guides, news, success stories and tutorials.

5. Worry about scanning

The scannability is related to the possibility of a person reading the content and finding the necessary information in a clear, objective, simple and fast .
Therefore, it is necessary that the text be separated into small paragraphs, have space between the topics and present adequate Portuguese. Another possible feature is the use of topics and bold text.
When the reader encounters a large block of text, with a small font and no division, it gives up continuing to read.
Did you notice how this text was written so far? We split the tips into topics, put in small paragraphs, and use many examples to aid understanding.
A scannable text is one in which the user, in a few minutes, can understand the central theme of the article and identify the points he would most like to read. Then, use subheadings, lists, topics, direct sentences, bold, and pictures to aid in complete understanding.

6. Do research and use relevant references

Usually, we write about topics that we master or have some knowledge about. But that does not mean that we do not need to do complementary research and use credible references.
It is no use, for example, only to inform in the text that it is possible to make money by creating content on the internet. It is necessary to show, through data and research, that this really exists. Otherwise, it is just opinion without foundation.
In addition, complementary research helps you to cover more points on that topic, which you may have never considered. Organize your initial ideas and then complete with extra data.
Remember also to be inspired by these contents, not to copy them. In addition to being a crime, Google and other crawlers can identify sites with copies and penalize them for it.

7. Follow good SEO practices

SEO, or search engine optimization, refers to a set of practices that must be employed in the production of content on the internet for the purpose of placing it among the first results of an organic search.
That is, there are a number of suggestions that must be followed in order for your content to be well-reached by the public.
Choosing a good keyword is the first one. With the help of planners such as Google Keyword Planner, it is possible to find words that are relevant to research but are not very popular.
In addition to the keyword, SEO is also present in the quality of the links and in the images and videos added to the content. Searchers understand that the longer a user stays on a page, the more complete that content is for those who search for the same term on the internet.
Finally, all content needs to have a call to action (CTA) to engage the reader into a goal. You can tell him to read other content, subscribe to a newsletter, contact the business or follow the brand on social networks, for example.

Putting into practice

After this little guide, you already know how to make a blog post, right? Communicating is more than transmitting information - it is turning data into interesting and accessible messages. That way, it takes a lot of knowledge and practice to become a great writer! Now, take the opportunity to deepen your knowledge about what SEO is and how this technique influences your content.
