Real Estate Marketing: Up to 10 times more Customers with Inbound

Before entering in depth we will explain the difference between "Real estate marketing" and "real estate sales, since many times these two concepts become confused.
Let's see then what is the difference.

The real estate marketing is related to all the activities that a company in the real estate sector carries out to get the attention of potential contacts or a Lead.
Real estate sales are all those actions that a real estate agent implements to convert potential contacts into clients and thus close the sale of a property.
As we know, traditional marketing practices are being ignored by people since most of the buyers currently use the internet to search for their future home and bearing in mind that advances in marketing are unstoppable, it is necessary to adapt to new trends and needs 
For this it is time to integrate best practices to your digital strategy. A successful marketing campaign makes sales easier.
The main objective is to offer value in a non-intrusive way, so that consumers do not feel that your goal is to get the sale.
The best way to do it is to implement Inbound, but you still do not know the term you can know more about What is Inbound Marketing  and how it is applied to a Real Estate Marketing thus achieving better growth.

How to adopt an inbound strategy in the real estate sector

Much has been said about the importance of online marketing in this digital age.
Now for an industry as dynamic as it is the real estate, the use of social networks and tools is increasingly crucial to the achievement of their sales objectives.
The point is that if you want to achieve your goals in the real estate marketing strategy it will not be enough just to try to attract the attention of your prospects through only content.
Of course, content is an important step, but if you just stay there your real estate marketing efforts will hardly be reflected in a desired displacement of your inventory.
The Inbound model offers an approach that goes a step further, since it allows you to complete the entire cycle from start to finish that is required in real estate marketing  through a series of tools that accompany the potential customer since you first visit your website, until long after the sale has been completed. 
How is this monitoring achieved?
The key is to empower your buyers. Let them be the ones who make the decisions for themselves. 
We start from a scenario in which when someone wants to buy a house or a plot of land, it is more likely that they will carry out online research to explore the market, right?
This is where we must focus our efforts, to earn their interest and trust through a complex deployment of resources, and thus finally get him to choose us.
That's why one of Inbound's mottos is to create marketing that people loveIt is curious to talk about love in a business environment, but in Inbound we are dedicated to that. 
It is about awakening the emotions in our buyers, "falling in love" through valuable content for them and accompany them until they decide for us.
Of course, the "courtship" to sell a house is not so simple. Involves a series of stages and tools that together provide structure to the entire process.
Specifically, the Inbound Methodology is composed of four stages, through which your potential customers must go to be linked with your real estate product. 

Attraction of traffic

The first step in your Real Estate Marketing strategy  will be to get a strange web browser to enter your site for the first time, becoming a visitor.
The technique of attracting through relevant content remains paramount.
Blogs and distribution through social networks are the most appropriate tools at this stage.
The key is not to directly publish content about your residential development and its great advantages, but rather to make an effort to think about what content could be valuable for someone who wants to buy a property?
What problems do you face? To the extent that you can hit the spot on your real needs, the more likely you are to choose your content, and therefore enter your site.
Do not forget about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a fundamental method to increase traffic to your site.
The strategic use of keywords that match the searches of your potential customers will provide a better search engine positioning.

Turn your visitors into leads

Since we have managed to get the visitor to enter our site, we should not let it go so easily.
Since as mentioned at the beginning Real Estate Marketing requires a strong generation of leads (Leads).
That is why it is important to turn that visitor into a prospect.
Obtaining the contact data, the email at least, to be able to provide personalized follow-up.
The contact information is the type of change that is handled in the Inbound field. In order for your visitor to be willing to give it to you voluntarily, you must offer something valuable enough to him in return.
Additional content such as ebooks, multimedia materials, case studies, demos, etc. They will be useful to achieve this "barter".
You must offer content that is so relevant to your visitors, that they are willing to give you their data in exchange.
Downloadable software to prepare your family budget, a detailed infographic on the different types of mortgage loans, a step-by-step guide to get your Infonavit credit, or how-to videos on decoration, could be good examples.
In addition to these materials, calls to action (call-to-action), forms and landing pages will also be essential to convert your visitors into prospects.

Close more sales

The time has come to close the sale and get your prospect to become your client.
Real Estate Marketing has the particularity of being able to provide valuable information to its prospects in order to direct them to make the best decision.
We can exploit this power to the fullest with the marketing and content marketing automation that supports your brand to educate the prospect and provide the necessary information to make the decision to move forward in your purchase process.
How do you achieve this ...
You know that your prospect is interested in buying or renting a property, now you must provide a personalized follow-up in order to gain your trust through email sequences in automated flows.
To be effective you must provide content with context, the best way to achieve this is to have a clear segmentation, example:
  • Leads that live far from their employment.
  • Leads that have children
  • Leads that are single, etc.
In this way you generate a greater commitment of your company to the user since the mails they receive were focused on their state or situation.
There are multiple tools that can help you in segmentation, emails, automation among other functions, HubSpot is what we use.
For this stage the most used elements are emails, content and CRMs since they help you to make the sale with the prospects ready to buy.

Delight your customers

Any marketing strategy can benefit from referral but if your Real Estate Marketing strategy raises it in the right way you can achieve more growth.
Then then!
Once the sale is made, do not forget the customer.
On the contrary, it continues to attend to it and to please it with useful content for it, so that it becomes a happy promoter of your development.
As long as you achieve that he transmits among his acquaintances the satisfaction of having bought his house there, the cycle will start again.
More strangers may be attracted to your website, which may possibly also become prospects and customers.
The purchase of real estate is a sensitive issue, due to the financial importance that it involves.
But if you play all the cards you have, you will have more tools to guide your potential customers to decide to buy your properties.

Advantages of an integral scheme adapted to new technologies.

After the economic crisis in recent years, and its serious repercussions for the real estate sector, the Inbound scheme proved to be a key element for the recovery of this industry in the United States and Europe.

And is that this scheme not only adapts to the new consumption habits of the digital age, but is completely transforming the way in which real estate agents used to relate to their customers.
It is increasingly evident that people no longer buy in the same way.
This forces to change the way of selling in order not to be left behind.
It is for that reason that your real estate marketing plan must be perfectly aligned with the inbound methodology
Or do you prefer to continue relying on classic strategies based on traditional advertising such as flyers, spectacular, spots on radio and promotional giveaways?
Inbound Marketing allows you to stop repeating right and left how wonderful your product is, and puts you in a position where you can establish a real dialogue with your prospect.
But how do you achieve it? The answer is simple
Focusing on the client. 
But doing it for real, taking into account the problems you face and evaluating how your real estate development or your real estate company could really help you.
I already know that the objective is to sell, but be patient as all the efforts pay off. Inbound is based on the basic principle of giving to receive.  
We can not demand that the client give us his trust if we have not earned it.
How to gain the trust of a potential client?
Giving him something valuable in return: CONTENT.
Remember that Content is currently the KING of marketing.
To achieve an effective content you have to put yourself in the shoes of your potential client and think what information can be relevant and useful, to the degree of wanting to keep it (and give your contact information in return).  
For example, you can offer an infographic about the mortgage loans of the market, decoration tips to make better use of the space at home, a step-by-step guide to obtain your Infonavit credit, or an application to prepare your monthly budget and to know if may or may not pay the monthly payment.
Are you already giving an idea? It is not about promoting your product, but about talking about something indirectly related to it.

Transform the way they perceive you as a real estate agent.

Buying a property is a very complex decision, and on several occasions it is perhaps the most important purchase of your client's life.
And to make matters worse, many times the buyer can feel alone before a pack of cold sellers who are only interested in offering their residential development, without showing a genuine interest in their person.
So if you are able to provide your prospect with tools that can really help you in this difficult process, he will not only thank you, he will also begin to see you as a reliable reference to whom he can turn for support or advice.

Be found on the web, a natural filter that improves your prospection.

With Inbound and the magic of the internet, you can make that relevant content ATTRACT the right prospects. 

To the extent that you develop strategic content that is indirectly related to your residential development and distribute it in the digital platforms and social networks within reach, you will be achieving a better prospecting, since those interested in those contents are more likely to show interest. for your product.

Custom tracking

Thanks to the Inbound approach you will generate comprehensive strategies with marketing and sales to give a personalized follow-up to each prospect , accompanying them throughout their purchasing process, helping them to resolve their concerns and increasing their interest in your residential development, until the closing of the sale. 
But the process does not end here. Inbound raises a follow-up in which you continue to attend and even "consenting" your buyers, so that they are so happy with your product that now they themselves will become your natural promoters

Measure the effectiveness of your strategies.

Unlike other traditional advertising media, the Inbound approach allows you to analyze in detail the effectiveness of each of the movements and efforts made of your real estate marketing plan. In this way it will be much easier to make the necessary adjustments to improve the performance of your team.

Social Networks, the favorites for Real Estate marketing.

According to various studies it has been proven that real estate is one of the industries that publishes most frequently in social networks. It makes sense, because it is a sector whose inventory usually changes continuously.

So that the more properties there are to sell, more publications will be needed to move that inventory.

In general, Facebook is usually the most used social network in real estate marketing, largely due to its characteristics that allow both the use of the image and the text without limit of characters.
However, Twitter is usually a support network, as an option for secondary publications, and in order not to harass your followers too much with information.

Eye love is born.

To get a prospect to get in touch with the real estate agent, you must first fall in love with the property, and the best way to achieve it is through a good image.
In this industry the visual aspect is especially important.
So you should invest properly in professional photography and quality graphic design. Make sure that all your publications include an image, especially if you can not publish as often.
If you have more than one development to promote, or your inventory includes used housing, an effective strategy could be to focus your publication efforts on Facebook for your most outstanding or Premium properties, since its combination of text and image allows you to provide greater arguments to attract the attention of your prospects; while for your products whose absorption is easier or faster, you can rely on other networks such as Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, whose approach is more focused on the visual.

Create an efficient Social Network strategy.

The most important thing when establishing your real estate inbound marketing strategy will be to highlight the particular needs of your real estate agency or developer, and sometimes, of each particular residential development.

There are no magic recipes and everything must be adjusted to the particular context in which you find yourself.
  • First of all, you must establish a clear objective: what do you want to achieve? The strategy will not be the same if you are looking to attract a greater number of visitors, than if you prefer to focus on increasing your conversation rate, or if you are directly looking to generate more prospects. The approach and approach will be different according to what you need.
  • Once you are clear about your goal, focus your efforts on optimizing your profile, adapting it appropriately for each social network.
  • Create a style guide in order to unify the criteria of language and tone with which all those who have access to communication through that channel will be handled.
  • Take advantage of the professionalization that those channels allow you, making your interactions with stakeholders sound close and specific to each particular case.
  • Make sure that the content you publish is properly adapted according to the social network you will use, since the same thing that works for you on Facebook will not be as effective on Twitter or Instagram. Take advantage of the personality of each social network, as well as its diverse audiences.
  • Make frequent and consistent publications in order to stay in the audience.
  • And do not forget to periodically evaluate the efforts and achievements, so you can assess the landscape and make the necessary adjustments according to your goal.
The universe of social networks is vast and there are a thousand ways to take advantage of it.

Transform the relationship you have with your real estate prospects.

The Inbound scheme establishes a series of practices that you could apply to improve your real estate strategies to sell and transform the perception that your prospects could have of you. Take note!

1.- Know your audience

One of the keys of the Inbound scheme is that sales revolve around the buyer, not the product. In this sense, the first thing you should do is stop repeatedly promoting the wonders that your residential development offers and start to consider each of your prospects in a truly personalized way.
To achieve this, you must start by studying your potential buyers, researching them through their social networks or other means at your disposal, to know their interests, trends and other demographic data.
Remember that not always the person who contacts you is the one who makes the purchase decision, or in many cases it is a decision shared between a couple.

2.- Identify your problem.

Inbound is a problem-oriented scheme, so that as you get to know what your prospect is upset about, you will have more possibilities to help him and establish a genuine dialogue with him or her.

Do interviews or ask your agents the following:
What worries them?
What problems do you face?
Maybe for your prospect the problem is not of space within the home, but of location due to the displacement that has to be done daily. Or, maybe you have not been able to get a mortgage loan, or you feel distrust of the presales.
They will realize when you really try to understand what worries them and show genuine interest in helping them and they will reward you by opening up more with you.

3.- Build empathy

Put yourself "in their shoes" and really get involved to help them. Pay more attention to the education process of your prospect oriented to solve your problem, more than your own initiatives.

Thanks to this attitude of empathy and the previous investigation that you made of your prospect, you will be in a position where you can build trust.

4.- Offers help in the form of education

A tip on how to process your credit, a chart that helps you compare your different options, an ebook on personal finance, a format to calculate your monthly budget, in short, everything you can contribute to your process will be very grateful.

If you can offer education and valuable content to help you solve your problem, you will be building credibility and confidence. He or she will no longer perceive you as a salesperson, but as an advisor or counselor capable of giving you help.

5.- Speak their same language

You must be able to enter into the mind of your prospect and direct your communication in its own terms and language.

The tone should be empathy and educational, away from the classic sales discourse.

At the same time, it includes terms that denote your authority on the issue you are addressing, in order to generate greater credibility.
If you are going to give advice on Infonavit or mortgage loans, you must be well informed and demonstrate your mastery of the subject.
If you manage to become a counselor of your prospects, more than your salesperson, they will thank you for giving you their confidence, which will place you in a better position oriented to the sale.
It is about giving to be able to receive, so if you really want to connect with them you must be willing to offer them something valuable in return.
